Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Truth

Madeline asked me the question that I dreaded her to ask me one day - "What would of happened if they never found out what was wrong with me?". My jaw dropped. Then she asked, "What will happen if I stop taking my medicine?". My heart then skipped a beat. Why was she asking this? Has she been pondering these questions? Does she not want to take her meds? Does she think we are hiding something? My mind is racing.

We had a long talk. I told Madeline the truth and the whole truth. She has the right to know, I guess (I hope I did the right thing). I explained to her about the children who one day wake up and can't get out of bed or the child who has troubles swallowing, etc. She looked shocked. I kept telling her how lucky we were that a wonderful doctor figured out what was going on with her so quickly. Her response to that..."Momma, that's because I have so many Angels in Heaven watching out for me."

My cup runneth over.

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