Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Have you wondered where we were?

I know, I've not posted in a while. But, I have good reason - VACATION!!! We just got back from Florida....and yes, there was oil. But luckily not the entire time. The first half of the vacation the water was perfect, then, mid-way, the oil blew in with the bad weather. It was terrible.

Besides attaching a yuck picture of the oil, I'm also including a pic of Madeline. I know, she is beautiful!So was the beach and water, at first. :)


Summer said...

Madeline is a cutie! I love her swim suit super cute! :0)

eeeek about the oil spill! Glad it didn't ruin your whole time!

Hey Greg tried to contact Sam but we had to go through his personal assistant and he has been out of town and hasn't got back with us yet! I'm not sure if he will in time for the deadline....sorry girl we are trying

Glad you had a fab time

Stephanie Reeves said...

Thank you so much for reaching out to us and sharing your story, Charla. It is very encouraging to hear a success story. Madeline is a beautiful girl and appears to have a great outlook on life and this disease. I'll be posting soon about our appt. with Dr. Pachman in Chicago this past week...It was also nice to see a JDM patient at the beach! I've been debating if we should go this year b/c of the sun exposure for Trip (and of course the oil). Are yall just very diligent with sunscreen or do you avoid peak sun hours as well? Best of luck and prayers for your Madeline.
-Stephanie R.