Friday, August 7, 2009

Open House

I can't believe we start school Monday. It's just plain too hot to go back to school.

We had open house today. Did the routine hello new teacher, this is Madeline, she's excited about school and by the way she has a disease...and you know the rest of the story. I do give each teacher a letter regarding Madeline's disease and restrictions (which I will post a copy of the letter Monday) and a bottle of hand sanitizer. I am a big advocate on supplying the classrooms with hand sanitizer. Anything I can do to keep the germs away.

Madeline is now officially a 5th grader. Her brother is now an 8th grader. I do hope they have a great school year. They are wonderful kids. I know they will make Rick and I very proud. Just like they do each year.

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