Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First day of decrease of cyclosporine

Today was our first day of the "decrease". We decreased her cyclosporine, by doc orders, to 1 cc per day. When I made her medication, which she drinks w/ OJ, I didn't think about not putting as much OJ in the glass. She made an awful face. I asked her, "what is it"? She said, "I can taste how sour the orange juice is...it's terrible".

I've had a very busy week at the hospital and not had the chance to pick up her bloodwork results. Still have the fear of the flu in our community. Our local schools and hospitals have been hit hard. Today, while walking through our emergency department, there was a line out the door for people waiting to be triaged...all obvious flu-like symptom patients.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Hi... Hope everything goes well with her decrease of cyclosporine. I just got back from John Hopkins with not the greatest news... If ya would like to stop by my blog and read about it... and please pray for me too... I have your family in our prayers... and hope the sour orange juice taste gets better! Ha! Ha!