Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ouch...yucky throat!

We've had very unusual weather in our neck of the woods lately. It was in the 20s today and that doesn't happen here often. What is going on? We live in the south for a reason...mild winters, hot summers!!! I am so ready for a 100 degree heat index.

Madeline has earned herself a trip to the doctor. She has really looked tired and not herself lately. She told me today her throat hurt and that it felt tight. I took a peek in and let me just say if I was her I would be whining a lot more. It looks terrible. Keep your fingers crossed that it's something simple and a good old round of antibiotics will take care of.

It's methotraxate night. We've moved her once a week dose to Sunday nights now. Nothing like starting off the week with a little chemotherapy. :)

1 comment:

Summer said...

20 degrees in the south.... Yucky.... it's like that here in WV now and it's been in the teens.... I am ready for Spring myself....

Sorry to here little Miss Madeline has a sore throat....OUCHY! Hopefully antibiotics will kick it :0)

I know what ya mean about the methotrexate.... I take mine on Saturday nights so nothing like kicking off the week with a good ole dose of chemo :0) That's are normal!!

Hang in there.... I'm feeling lots better...the steroids are kicking in more and I think my flare is subsiding some.... I'm happy Sums again....
Summer :0)