Saturday, March 28, 2009

One year mark

Madeline was diagnosed exactly one year to the day today. I can still remember that out of body experience when hearing her diagnosis from Dr. B. Looking back, it seemed our life would never be the same again. Not the same for our family, and especially Madeline.

In the beginning, we didn't know what we were dealing with. And most physicians I know didn't know much about the disease either. That implemented fear. Fear of the unknown - the worse of all fears. Our luck did change with finding a doctor not too far away. We trusted his judgement and so far his medication regiment has paid off.

The first six months of her treatment plan were tough. Besides the side effects of the medications, her neurological effects and personal issues at school, we (her mom and dad) were having a very tough time adjusting to this reality. We didn't know where this was going to take us. And the most concerning thought...where is this disease going to take Madeline. Some of the most horrible thoughts crossed my mind...I could not lose this baby, nor was I going to sit around and hope she gets better. We'd find the best, buy the best and do what's best for her. And we did.

Madeline is back to her old self now...a year from diagnosis. She no longer looks ill. She no longer has the grottron's papules or visual rashes. She looks like a normal, healthy and happy 10 year old girl. She dances and shines on stage like she once did. She doesn't tire as badly as she did six or even three months ago. Is she in remission? No. And I know that. But is she in a better place than she was this time last year? Hell YES! And we are a family. The horrible aspects of this disease has done one thing for all of us - made us thankful of today and thankful for each other. I hope I am a better mother to Madeline and a better person to friends and family. And I know Madeline will be a stronger and wiser young lady one day because of her challenge w/ JDM.

I started this blog as therapy for me. Being my personality is somewhat OCD..I needed to manage this disease in some fashion. And this is how I could do it. But hopefully other shocked, scared, newly diagnosed childs' parents can find this blog online and realize it does get better. Your child can get better. Thank God for modern medicine and the wonderful medical professionals who research ongoing to find better answers for their care.

In just one year...we've come a long way. This one year mark reminds us of this. And we are thankful. I am thankful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thank you for this blog - I was one of the "shocked and scared" parents who found this blog - it really helped to read and understand that I wasn't alone in all of this! Best of luck to you and your beautiful girl with the "Julia Roberts" smile!!