Thursday, January 29, 2009

My mind never stops...

We are having a good week, just a busy one. So busy, I've neglected the blog. Madeline looks and feels good, but still having the pain in her legs in the morning. I now have a stool in my closet that she sits no so I can do her hair. I hate seeing her in pain. Her legs still get the red streaks as well.

While working w/ Trey on his science project on JDM, I was looking online for pics I could print out for his board. One of those pics were for vasculitic ulcers. I came across a site called cure4Lupus and saw a picture of cutaneous vasculitis. I could not believe what I saw. It looked like Madeline's legs in the morning. Of course, these photos were worse than what she has. But, it made me ponder...

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