Friday, August 1, 2008

8 months and counting

I have an obsession counting down the months since Madeline showed her first sign of JDM. That just so happened to be Dec. 1. A medical professional mentioned to me recently that she can still experience the muscle effects up to two years after her first sign of the "rash". We have now reached the 8 month mark...only 16 more to go. Okay, I feel nauseous.

It's actually a little surprising that 8 months have gone by, but then I am reminded that she has only been on her meds for four months - the longest, hardest, saddest, most difficult four months in our lives. But we are pretty much getting back to normal (no more breakdowns, well maybe a tear or two once a week). We are now used to taking the meds, staying out of the peak sun, wearing sunblock if necessary and not obsessing over every complaint or boo-boo Madeline mentions to us.

From the moment we learned about Madeline's diagnosis, we've asked the question "Why?". I still don't know the answer to this question, but do believe we will learn it one day. I'm just glad I don't ask the why question any longer in a depressed, angry state. I now am anxious to learn the answer.

Yes, in eight months we've come a long way.

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